As we approach the end of 2023, with no more events planned for this year, we thought that it would be good idea to highlight the upcoming FODI activities in 2024. We, along with the museum, will be running a series of themed events to celebrating diversity in the Wealden Formation.
Dates will as usual be published on the FODI website but for your diary:
1. Saturday 6th Jan 2024 @ 11.30 meet in Yaverland Car Park. A geological walk along the beach at Yaverland followed by a talk at 15.00, if you don’t want to go on the walk please feel free to come to the talk. The talk will be on the“Microfauna of the ancient ponds of the Wealden” by Simon Penn. There will be a chance to look at actual specimens through a microscope. Hot soup and bread (with vegetarian option) will be provided, FODI Members free, guests £3.00.
2. Saturday 3rd Feb 2024 – FODI AGM and Early Valentine Quiz.
– AGM at 17.15 in the Education room at Dinosaur Isle (more details later but if anyone would like to volunteer to be the FODI Treasurer please let me know.
– Quiz doors open at 18.30, with first question at 19.00. Tables of 6 max, at £3.00 per person. Hot soup and sandwiches (with vegetarian option) will be provided, FODI Members free, guests £2.00.
3. Sunday 21st April 2023 – Wealden Seminar, a full day seminar about the early Cretaceous of the Isle of Wight and southern England. There is a line up of excellent speaker with booking details to be released in the coming weeks.
Please book a place for the walk and quiz with the museum (contact at the museum is Simon Penn):
Email: dinosaur@iow.gov.uk or Telephone 01983 404344 (Museum Contact is Simon Penn)